“The first memories of life are visual memories. Life, in memory, becomes a silent film. We all have an image in our mind, which is the first, or among the first, of our life. That image is a sign and, to be precise, a linguistic sign. So if it is a linguistic sign, it communicates or expresses something”. P. P. Pasolini
These are the words that begin a 1975 interview with Pier Paolo Pasolini, a character who with his life, his writings and his points of view, just like a linguistic or temporal recursion, returns, current, in this time that celebrates the centenary of his birth. The work you will listen to therefore focuses on an idea, a sign, an initial gesture - just like the one Pasolini talks about in the interview - that recurs within the piece and that, through the creative and interpretative path, renews itself, but without changing its linguistic sign and, the memory of itself that symbolize, precisely, the “remains” (Resti).