The inspiration for this piece comes from the time I spent at a summer music festival in 2023 called New Music On the Point, located in Leicester, Vermont on the shores of Lake Dunmore. This festival focuses on experimental and contemporary composition, performance, technology, sound art, and improvisation. Juxtaposed against this musical habitat was the gorgeous, serene, and agrarian setting of Lake Dunmore where I and the other participants stayed in cabins, made campfires, kayaked on the lake, and ate food that was often foraged (such as wild moose heart tartare and bear meat tacos). This pairing of "new music" (and everything that is included in that phrase) and ruggedly beautiful scenery was wonderful and had a lovely impact on me. This piece explores that pairing by combining electronics that uses microtonal and random live processing techniques with the inherent tonality of the vibraphone which explores a simple 3-note motif based around mostly one tonal center and cascading musical lines that represent flowing water, peace, and serenity.