Every Moving Piece is a medium-advanced contemporary jazz/pop composition for 4 mallet solo vibraphone. It combines unique harmony, syncopated groves, and advanced techniques for a challenging, but fun piece.
Pedaling and dampening have been notated throughout the score and should be followed to keep the melody clear and avoid unwanted dissonance. Pedaling is notated with brackets under the staff and dampening is notated with an “x” in the line or space of the note to be dampened. Single mallet dampening should be used when one hand is free to dampen a ringing note as the next note is played by the other hand, as in measure 29. Slide dampening should be used when playing 2 adjacent notes (black key to black key or white key to white key) with the same mallet, as in measure 39. The second note is played with a downstroke which immediately slides to dampen the adjacent ringing note. Hand dampening should be used when going from a white key to the adjacent black key, as in measures 59 or 64. It is achieved by dampening the white key with the pad of the hand while a mallet in the same hand plays the black key.
Grace notes should be played as dead strokes in order to avoid dissonance with the main melodic line. Flams may be played by two mallets in the same hand if the other hand is not free, as is measure 88.